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Smexy bLog <body>

Empty Up top!

About Me
Name: Danny Mccoy
Age: 16 To Be!
School: Fuhua Sec!
Hates: You.. haha jk!
Likes: You.. No, really im serious

The Wish
I wish Too Much!



February 2009 May 2009 June 2009

Empty Down Low!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
The word Password
Uhh, uhh, yes, yes
Y'all wanna know, why he don't stop
Y'all wanna know, why he don't flop
Let me tell you pe-eople why
Came from the bottom of the block I
When I was born, it was sworn, I was never gon' be shit
Had to pull the opposite out this bitch
Had to get my ri-ide on
Eyes on the prize, Shawn knew I had to
Had to had to get these chips
Had to make moves like Olajuwon
Started out sellin dimes and nicks
Graduated to a brick
No exaggeration, my infatuation with the strip
Legendary like a schoolboy
Crushin merely nearly every every chick
Heavy shit - that's how schoolboy got whipped
And got left on some "Just +Me, Myself and I+"
On some Trugoy shit
Had your boys threw place up, to a place of no return
Had to play with fire and get burned
Only way the boy ever gon' learn
Had to lay way in the cut, 'til I finally got my turn
Now I'm on top in the spot that I earned

God.. fk Kalai.. "Do u kno how to spell Password?" Hell bitch do i look retarded to u in anyway!? ....
(5:51 AM)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Today!... went to school haha MS LEE didnt suspend me wtfx.. 2 hr of maths like WTF again.. Still bored cant do much.. went to jp to take my money for the week wif daryl xiang n wayne.. then i blanja them KFC! Woooh lol then they went to library and i went home.. lazy go la la la~ haha. tats practically all.. Ms lee! dun being a pain in the arse!
(3:39 AM)

Sunday, May 3, 2009
Haaaiz.. bored bored bored. some people :O sometimes they really forget who you are and wat you've done for them huh.. gossh.. Seriously uber bored.. got any nice korean songs!? if ya got some juz friggin tell me! im bored! K cya <3 bye
(6:50 AM)

:] TitleLess!
Heey! So many things to write yet nothing writen! hahas... saturday went to tampines mall wif zac ... like wtf -.-" go there.. ate at pastamania !! Hehehe! Delicious and then we walked around haha . We played at toys'r'us singing the.. Saturday Monday song.. not the real TITLE!! HAH.. people were lookin at us like weirdos.. then went to watch X-MEN ORIGINS! yeap this time without those white walls :O haha. wasnt bad . Note to Zac : You LOOK EMO! <3 Tats all HAha.. WILL TRY TO POST MORE! <333
(6:42 AM)