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Smexy bLog <body>

Empty Up top!

About Me
Name: Danny Mccoy
Age: 16 To Be!
School: Fuhua Sec!
Hates: You.. haha jk!
Likes: You.. No, really im serious

The Wish
I wish Too Much!



February 2009 May 2009 June 2009

Empty Down Low!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Wahah! Went to skool.. drenched in rain . went back.. once again drenched in rain! wtfackz! nvm i tahan.. go busstop miss bus!? wtf?! nvm.. went home sleep.. tired like hippo lolz.. eeey! opinions aside ty. then 5:30 woke up.. went down and gave HALYYMA a pic of cable car hahas!! saw kas n ama and another duude.. berbual K then went back up sleep whahaha! but abit cheapo siols.. print for her nvr get paid wat siaa lols! juz kiddin hahas!
(4:33 AM)

Friday, February 20, 2009
Ola Amigos!! Today!! I came to skool late wif fais on purpose... i tried to run from Mr GOVIN!! SIOOOl.. fail siakz.. kena caught in the end haha! dam funny to be honest.. so fais and I had to serve like.. 1 hr and 30 min detention.. but as usual.. we 2 cheat la siol!! we wrote 1hr hahas... then sit there do NOTHING.. got bored!.. and its been like forever since i even used my phone to call anyone haha! omfg bill is so low :O so i called up halyyma and ask wazzup. and then went to JP wif fais to meet yan... then walk walk see ugly slippers and walk off to library.. wait for yans gf and the other girl i duno.. then went back to JP WTFACKZ then.. they went to kfc tapao food and walk arnd JP.. went popular.. then!! the girls went home.. my frens and I went to.. BLSS nearby block and played daidee big2 poker card game :) siioL! no money involved.. then we walked home LAWLZ. tats mah story suckaz.. dun believe call SSB LA! they saw us play daidee then question us ask frmo wat skool..!


(2:22 AM)

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Boredom strikes once again! Did nothing much today usual stuff ... i feel so dam tired this few days!! and Dam! tomoro theres pe!! shit im so lazy to go.. but its games week so.. yay? hahas... will keep postin tomoro or later maybe.. bye duudes! tats all f0r now ciaos! :D
(4:33 AM)